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  • Interview

    I recently did the cutest interview with for Instagram. Wanted to share it here because I thought the format was really sweet! I also found out that she discovered my work through a small zine project I was part of in 2020 called FOCUS Zine. I was commissioned to write a comic to go…
  • Youtube Tutorial Videos // Digitising FML Comics

    Hello! I got chatting to a fellow Comic Artist/Zinester a couple weeks ago and she informed she had just installed Photoshop but didn’t really know where to start on making her comics screen friendly. So far her work was very handmade and DIY. So I was inspired! I know I’m always intrigued by the process…

  • Fearless Residency – A Manifesto

    You know when you spend hours and hours on an application and think - I'm probably not going to get this, what's the point? Well... I'm trying to stop doing that so often. Instead of writing what I think they want to hear, I'm writing the absolute truth and if they don't like it, I…
  • FML Comics – Interview with an unpaid intern/”friend”

    I recorded an interview with a friend of mine about my comics, nothing, everything and more. There are 18 questions and 18 corresponding videos that total to about 30mins. Watch me in moderation or binge them all! Videography by Jenna Soikkeli Editing by yours truly Behind the scenes with my boo
  • How to make Table of Content links work in Word for Mac PDFs

    My boyfriend's Aunt recently came to me with a bug in Word for Mac that blew my mind. As an academic editor she deals with large scale text-heavy Word documents with intricate Table of Contents (ToC) but her problem was this: When saving the file as a PDF all the internal page links were lost.…
  • AppleScripts – Edit your iTunes Play Count

    You might ask, why would I ever need to edit the play count of a song? That’s a valid question and this function is probably reserved for the more anal iTunes user but let me give you an example. Sometimes I begin listening to an artist through a ‘Best of’ Album. After a while I…

  • WordPress Testimonial Shortcode

    I have been searching for a long time for a good plugin to display testimonials but to no avail. I just wanted something really simple so I made my own and thought I would share it. You can see it on my homepage. No javascript, nothing fancy just CSS and HTML.

  • Can’t remember/find your Wifi password?

    Need to tell a friend your Wifi password but can’t remember what it is or can’t be bothered to trek to the router? Welcome Keychain access. – this little app, that comes with your Mac, knows all.

  • Is your Mac fan being loud? Try This

    Reset your SMC (System Management Controller) and PRAM (parameter random-access-memory). Sounds hard and scary but its really not, its just a bit mysterious.

  • 5 Shortcuts to Use More Often

    I love shortcuts. Though I don’t use as many as some people do, I still use a few ALL the time. Here are some of my favourite. Most of them are keyboard shortcuts so here’s a little help for those of you who get confused:

  • Combine PDFs in a click

    When applying for a job do you include your references in the same PDF as your CV? Or do you want to clean up folders that contain a trillion PDFs? Do you know how to do this, and if you do can you do it quickly? Introducing…AUTOMATOR. A powerful mac application that lets you do this (and…

  • feedly before

    All your news in one place – RSS Readers

    A chance conversation with a professor the other week reminded me of my search for the perfect RSS (rich site summary) reader. Rather than opening up 4 windows every morning to check my news I want 1. I have found a solution. So what is this RSS business?