Animation Project Proposal

I am keen to develop my practice in moving image so please don’t hesitate to get in touch if this proposal interests you.


The Present Tense

More information here.


More information here.

My Proposal

My proposal involves the development of my previous animation works (seen above) into a more complex moving image piece. I see it as having three parts:


I want to expand on the themes of my previous work to construct a new narrative surrounding growth, a journey and time. Two sources will be used: a daily audio diary (3- 10 mins) I kept about my experience doing a year long art course in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. The recordings reflect the transformative internal journey that took place, and the themes that I want to explore. I will also continue using spoken word; poetry, extracts from novels and my own writings. I am an avid digital archivist, and regularly catalogue my thoughts as well as writing I am inspired by. These sources are my starting point.


I want the soundtrack to be formulated from direct extracts of my audio diary and spoken word, interspersed with music. The music will likely feature my original instrumental guitar compositions and I will experiment with techniques of sound mixing and recording; live performance is a possibility. I would like to develop a style for layering and arranging sounds, something I already experiment with.

Visual Language

I like the aesthetic of my previous animations, particularly the use of drawn marks, and want to experiment more with abstract line movement. Some questions still to explore include which materials to use, what type of lines are interesting in motion, what other hand-drawn animation techniques and software are suited to my aesthetic. I am also keen to further animate my self-modelled character. Ultimately I want to establish a visual language that I can return to.

Below you will find more media to support this proposal


  1. Examples of my audio diary
  2. Experiment in which I layered extracts of my audio diary with music (not my own)
  3. A roughly recorded EP  made up of my own compositions and covers.
  4. Examples of music made while jamming. I enjoy recording music spontaneously and then making use of those sounds retrospectively.

Comic Art

I am sharing my comic art here because I believe they demonstrate the way I currently explore my inner dialogues and conflicts through visual art.

I self-publish them and sell them in my webshop and in stores across the UK. In 2018 I was published and exhibited by Scottish publisher, BHP Comics in an anthology entitled ‘Full Colour’. I also publish my strips regularly online.